About Me

Hi there! I’m Beth.

A writer with one desire: to remind you that the ordinary is extraordinary in Christ.

When I was much younger, I thought I’d have life all figured out by the time I was grown up. I’ve been a grown-up for more than six decades now. And I still don’t have everything figured out.

Except for one thing. I’m a saved-by-grace sinner. And that’s all that matters.

(These words say it best.)

My career path is full of detours including some fumbling around as a hotel maid and a church bookkeeper, and many good years as a high school and college English teacher. Throughout it all, I’ve been a writer and editor.

My first published article was a high school baseball story in our local newspaper. I was nineteen. I knew almost nothing about baseball, but I learned to ask questions.

Over the years, I dabbled in journalism, advertising, and then teaching all those things I love.

Books, words, faith.

I’ve published lots of devotions, Bible studies, features, and Sunday school lessons. Lately, I’ve been editing my first novel. 

By far, my favorite vocations are as a wife and mom.  My husband and I have been married almost 40 years — holy smokes! We’ve lived in lots of places, but after raising our son and daughter in Utah, we returned to the Midwest to be closer to family.  

I’m not an expert in theology, fashion, cooking, deep thinking, or even writing and literature. But I write about all those things.

Thank you for joining me!

A Few of My Favorite Things

Favorite Verse

Ephesians 2:8-10

Favorite Hangout

Lake Michigan

Favorite Classic

A Tale of Two Cities

Favorite Hobby


Interested in reading some of my past work?

Yes, you can click around my blog and read years worth of posts there. But before the blog, I was publishing articles and devotionals in Lutheran publications. Click below to see the list of articles with links to read.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:8-10